Connect Miro


You must have the role Productiv Admin in order to onboard this application to Productiv.

You must have a Miro Enterprise plan to use this connector.

NOTE : Each app (organization) can be connected only once. To connect another instance of same organization, you can offboard and then onboard another instance.

NOTE : Scopes being granted are at the entire organization level, however the OAuth flow in onboarding may only show a few teams. You can select any team and the connector will surface entire organization data.

The user authorizing the Miro connector must have the following permissions in Miro at a minimum:

  • Read audit logs for this team's organization
  • Read profile information for current user
  • Read current team information
  • Read information about organizations, organization members

By default a Company Admin should have all these permissions, but your account may be configured differently.

We recommend using a separate long-lived account with administrator permissions in Miro as the authorizing user. Please note that a "free account" created in Miro does not work for this purpose. For more information, please see our Onboarding FAQ.

The user needs these permissions in Miro in order to grant Productiv the following scopes:

Data Security

Tokens generated by the authorization of this connector are stored securely in AWS Secrets Manager. All data is pulled securely and encrypted in transit and at rest. For more information please see our operational security policy.

Productiv stores user profile information of Miro users, in order to associate user logins to the correct user email, which can be leveraged to associate the user’s login to organizational data.

API Rate Limits

Productiv adheres to the rate limits set by Miro. If the connector gets throttled by Miro while fetching data, it will back off exponentially to make sure it adheres to all rate limits.

Integration Walkthrough

Step 1: Account Creation

If you don't already have one, create a service account and a team on Miro and make your account a Miro administrator. For steps on how to create a miro admin, refer the subtopic 'Make a user a product admin' at miro admin rights.

Step 2: Approve app

Add Miro Connector App with clientId - 3074457356897098666 in your Approved apps list by navigating to Approved apps page.

Click on APPROVE

Step 3: Navigate to App Settings on Productiv

  • Log in to Productiv and navigate to Miro Onboarding Page.

  • Give unique name to the Miro instance, and click Sign in to app.

Step 4: Login to your Miro instance

When prompted, sign in to an account which is Admin (preferably service admin account, to avoid ex-employee invalidation) for all your teams on this Miro instance, and grant Productiv access to your instance.

Step 5: Verification

After authorizing, Productiv will use the credentials granted to validate we can make all API calls required for the connector. If everything is successful, you will be redirected to the settings page and Miro will show up as a connected app!

Onboarding Errors

If you experience an onboarding error, you will see an error message reflected in Productiv that will direct you to the right place.

We try to pinpoint the exact issue based on error messaging of Miro. If we cannot determine the exact issue, we will show you the error message provided to us by Miro.

If you are having trouble identifying the issue causing onboarding errors, please contact

Frequent Errors

In case you face the above error although you have the below mentioned points, you need to contact Miro support to enable you for onboarding.

  1. Admin permissions

  2. Enterprise account


What access rights does Productiv app need, and what rights do they get via this app installation?

Productiv needs read access to get user details and engagement data for the users. Upon installing the app, Productiv gets the following rights -

  1. Read permissions to read the users' details.

  2. Read permissions to receive engagement events. Productiv gets all engagement events like account, board, organization, project, login, template, user related data but Productiv stores board, project, template and login related data.

  3. Permissions to read users' emails. We use the email addresses to cross-relate users to the employee-database so as to show engagement data.

Will the team I select while onboarding the connector impact the data?

NO. Since this is an organization level API, Miro connector will give the same results for any team you choose while onboarding.

Do I need to connect every team of my organization?

NO. Since this is an organization level API, you can connect any one team and you will get the desired results.

What data does Productiv store?

Productiv stores users list (including emails) along with the user who performed the event.

What types of actions can we track?

For every app connected in Productiv, you can see the all actions that count towards engagement on the Features page. Please see our Help Center article for more details.

Why is engagement data different in my app admin dashboard vs Productiv?

Please see our Help Center article for common reasons why engagement data may differ from app admin dashboard

How do I disconnect the connector? What happens after?

Please see our Help Center article on disconnecting connectors and the implications